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despite the urge to totally give up the chase of the groove and realign my inner being with all things FAX related, i have been pulled out of the slump by the arrival of one album by a certain pop princess, lily allen. 11 tracks of pure, bad mouthed pop joy.
how on earth she expects that each of these tracks could be lifted as a single without editting is beyond me.
soap and water young lady.
don't get me wrong, its not nasty stuff, just liberal use of the F word, and too bloody right says i.
the album is a riotous ride of modern dance beats, laid back ska bumps, lily's lifestyle adventures and so much more besides.
love it.
(promotion bit : the album 'alright, still' will be released by regal on july 17th, with single 'smile' a couple of weeks before : more detail : here)
also - if you happen to be in london town this weekend and are in need of some deck spinning entertainment, then i suggest you read the flyer below rather carefully.

yes - tis indeed that john leckie. the man has been behind the controls for so many great great albums its beyond belief that he has aspirations to be cutting it up on the ones and twos amongst the disco hunks-n-bunnies.
hats off the freelance hellraiser for getting this rather interesting dj appearance sorted.
now, someone please go, take pictures, and post'em on the ireallylovemusic message board.
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