Friday, July 29, 2005

the mystery that is joy zipper

hmm. just when all becomes good in the world (other than the fact that in my own background my 2 year old is in the middle of a full on 40 minute tantrum the likes of which have never occured @ ireallylovemusic hq!) i receive word of some weird happenings over at joy zipper. - from tabitha's posting over at their myspace hangout : "the story i have decided to give the honest back story of joy zipper. it's so oddly full of twists and turns and ups and downs. it's mainly something that vinny and i need to get off our chests. we're really starting to feel like it's a new day in joy zipper world and in order to move on i'd like to write the whole story. it's going to take a while but i promise i'll try and post a new blog everyday. stay tuned... " if you are as interested then i suggest you sign up and catch the next episode. sounds like this could be a cliffhanger .. in the meantime lets spin 'the heartlight set' once more at toddler drownout levels. mark e ireallylovemusic