Tuesday, December 06, 2005

breaking news : minuteman

i rarely do this kinda thing .. but today i received news about minuteman direct from the bands main man, matt jones, which i thought i'd pass on to the rest of the world :
it is with no small amount of deliberation that I am announcing that we have decided to end the Minuteman journey.
After nearly 6 years of blood, sweat, tears, drugs, lack of sex and rock 'n' roll it's time for us to move on... It's by no means the end of us working together, in fact it is to be the start of something shiny, new and exiting. We're already making plans to take over the world and stamp our own brand of skinny white-boy funk all over the bottom end of the charts..
From a personal point of view I'd like to thank everyone that has been involved throughout the years... Those that were there from the start (Schneck, Paul Thomson, Tim Weller, Alec Mckinley, Marcus Russell, Luke McGrellis, Dom Walker, Charlie Myatt, Vic Shuttleworth), and everyone involved after that (Ben Winchester, Ronnie Harris and all at Harris and Trotter, Harvey Goldsmith, Vaughan Oliver, Chris Bigg, everyone at Anglo we worked with, Jamie, Carl, Tony, Stu, and Rob at Coalition, and many, many others), not to mention those who worked on the album.. (Paul Stacey, Henry Phillpots, Ian Cooper) and our loyal crew (Kimble, Phil, Ravi et al). It's been an absolute pleasure to work with everyone on what was a labour of love for all of us..
Massive thanks to the minutefans as well, it was all worth it to have met and entertained you all :) Thanks for taking Minuteman to your hearts.
Anyway, on behalf of myself, Jim, Russell, Pete and Phil.... thanks for everything.
It's been an experience.
minuteman x
the phrase 'onwards and upwards' never felt so fitting, though i'm sure matt and his excellent songs will resurface under a new guise in the near future.
mark e