Wednesday, January 18, 2006

exclusive interview : apollo 440

sometimes it's good to step out of the current promo loop and track down a band/musician that has been part of your own personal history, try to reach the inner sanctum of that part of your love, and then hopefully probe into areas that no-one else is bothered about. when i set up ireallylovemusic there were a few goals that i set myself. amazingly, most of these have flown by unnoticed by anyone else but me. so today i am rather chuffed to announce there is another goal breached.
apollo 440. a very uncool band. a band that have become part of the machine that so many profess to hate. yet i suspect everyone who listens/collects music with a groove will have something hidden away which has been touched up by @440. in fact, i would bet hard cash that there are several tracks that if heard without the knowledge of the creators would impress even the harshest critics.
so explain a little : my interest in the apollo four forty story stems all the way from 1987 when howard gray co-produced one of my all time fave albums. no guesses please, surely you know by now ?
so without further ado, please can i point you to the rather full and frank interview with howards brother, and partner in sonic crime, trevor : here
meanwhile, back on the treadmill, full review posted for the forthcoming album by the fallout trust.
mark e