alexis strum : pure pop in all its original glory
song : still standing by alexis strum
this track has been hidden away in my archive for ages, and its only now that i have realised that its something rather cool. the 5 track promo ep featured alexis strum first single 'addicted' as well as some other excellent electro infused pop songs coming on strong, rock this disco, and the above track which of course more people will now have on their copies of kylies' body language album. there is little difference in the original and kylies cover other than there is a little more production sparkle added to the kylie version .. but the nuts and bolts of the song are the same. in fact the opening synths are identical ..
so the question is did alexis get her album released or was she sucked into the pop machine? and, have her songs appeared elsewhere?
onwards !
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