Thursday, February 24, 2005

gorillaz fun.

just a simple posting to tell you about the unofficial gorillaz website , dig around and find the music. some fine goodies available. i am liking 'dirty harry' a lot. i love the way it morphs into a full on mad hip hop track after we get the 2D/Damon part out of the way. totally schitzo .. onwards ! mark e ireallylovemusic

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

new reviews

hello. just to let you know of the new reviews that have gone up recently : > skalpel - breaking out - remix 12" - lovely downtempo jazz, hiphop groovees. > viarosa - porous - mini album. fans of the walkabouts will love this. > amon tobin - chaos theory - games soundtrack for homelistening. and todays it's all bout the epic 12 minute dj koze mix of meloboys glam-camp-electro monster cover of t-rex's 'hot love' - out on novamute now. fun. fun. fun. onwards ! mark e ireallylovemusic

Monday, February 21, 2005

swamp thing.

folks. somewhat swamped out at the moment - so this is going to be a summation of good stuff thats going on .. Gigs : - Go! Team live .. all over the country .. they are ace. saw them in Bristol last night, excellent show. huge fun, includes the rather swoonsome The Pipettes on support - so get there early. details : - Silent League are touring - the new album is totally lush and so this is bound to be special tuesday, tomorrow, Club Fandango, Dublin castle wednesday Liverpoool Academy 2 thursday Nottingham Rescue Rooms friday Cardiff Barfly saturday Southampton Uni sunday Leicester Charlotte monday London Barfly Records : * IDC - payloa - more rock/.dance hybrid from the bootlegger extraordinaire, out on cosair records soon. smore details to be posted @ ireallylovemusic * idlewild - love steals us from loneliness - never a big fan, but what they do they do well. passionate indie rock. single out now. * prefuse 73 - hideyaface - excellent new single featuring ghostface and el-p. * skalpel 'break out' - 12" featuring remixes by various 'fans' via ninjatune. * bowie live/stage - new EMI Special Editions - review posted * moving units - new album - review posted extra extra : * gorillaz screensaver and desktop - including new image for mobile phones/toys etcs onwards ! mark e ireallylovemusic

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

pearl - bardot : mp3

the song is here having been buried deep in my archive for a year, last week, following the recent gossip and celeb expose that the couple have recently been subjected to, i recalled having this 4 track promo of music by Pearl - partner of Danny G from Supergrass. i searched ILM for details and found that this actually received a fair bit of airplay via XFM, not being sure if the track was ever officially released i have decided to drop it here for those interested. tis a lovely post-britpop track with a fine chunky bassline, lovely strings, breathy girl vocals and a strange monologue by Rhys Ifans. onwards ! mark e ireallylovemusic

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

and now ..

for something a little different ... someone pointed me to this yesterday : popstarfeets the complete lack of DM's (so far !) is somewhat disappointing .. but i guess that indicates my sad indie roots .. follow the adventures of helen and her quest fuelled by gin and bravado and lets see who's next on her hitlist .. back in the land of the more normal, posted an interview with shiny new pop hopefuls The Modern : q&a section mark e ireallylovemusic