got all sorts in the pile .. so here's a quick rundown
maximo park - the new album out on
warp now. first listen saw me rattle an email off to the PR saying how shit it was. ooops. should have held back on that ! i now love the album. the excessive northern-ness in the vocals, the spiky (ooh. go on then .. 'angular') guitars, the odd dash of cheap and cheerful synths has made this a firm fave this week.
jamie liddel - multiply - new album out soon .. as with maximo park - this is a
warp release, priving that the label are seriously out to obliterate the tagline 'techno label', and what with the indie boys in t'park and now this white boy funk protege the labels process is complete. coming on from the drop out of twisted midi fu(n)k of super_collider jamie has a voice that impresses/soothes and contorts .. amongst the strange soundscapes are some drop dead classic tracks.
full review tba
wordsmith - the roadman showcase - a uk hip hop album from the excellent
son records stable. straight and mean. not the mans proper album, more a work in progress style of release. its good, despite the fact i spotted a rick wakeman sample !
> garrett - demos - you want more of that punked up noisy stuff with a dash of funk. then drop your firefox browser to this bands
site and see what you think. i know what i think, and its favourable.
akira the don - aaa ep. part 2 in the mans quest to take over the world. with the big names coming into the action in later parts of the game check out this fruity loops enhanced ep with tales of loss, hope and rejection all while being plugged into future ..
other stuff :
drinkme - noisy electropop styled madness from this new london hope,
and of course there is the small matter of the gorillaz album next week.
but that's another story.
till next time.
mark e