Thursday, October 27, 2005
tis time to reveal the truth. for the last few weeks i have willingly succumbed to the world of shiny electro infused pop music. the list of current faves may be somewhat different to what you may expect from ireallylovemusic, but, no longer can i hide the fact that the following albums are totally wonderful and thrill me far too much.
- rachel stevens - come and get it. new and very good. involves richard x and xenomania on production. far too good/experimental to be left in the sales bins. this review is spot on.
- holly valance - footprints/state of mind. a little bit of this and a lot of that. electroclash styles mixed with indie friendly attitude.
- girls aloud - sounds of the underground/what will the neighbours say. i mean, the best pop band in the world at this time right now? but of course, more of that xenomania perfection.
- kylie - her recordings post PWL productions are littered with too many classics to be listed.
but, as is the way, the constant supply of glitterball anthems becomes weary, so,to counteract such happiness, one has to delve into the archive and rejoice in the sombre sounds of matt 'the the' johnson, rediscovering the gritty and dark 'nakedself' has been a soul enhancing experience, but a small corner of my head just wants more of that electro-glam groove.
resist. must resist.
message ends.
mark e
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
for those with lives
if i still hit the dancefloor these days, then these are the gangs i would want to join :
manchester : clique
london : bigsexyland
if anybody who reads this rubbish goes, please pass on my regards to whichever dj happens to spin age of chance.
thank you.
mark e
all manner of fun in the sand
firstly, there is the small matter of gorillaz. they have stormed the world with their animated visuals. so i'm sure you all want to see what they do for their 'dirty harry' track, thats to be released in november, links posted on the video page : here
but here's a sneaky peak at the video shoot in action :

as well as this, i have posted reviews for albums by boards of canada, bloc party (remixed!), blockhead, and the wonderful cartoon crossover action of dangerdoom (aka mf doom and danger mouse) : here
a few singles have been taken off the pile and shunted into the outside words : here
i think that's enough for now.
message ends
mark e
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
!! stop the press : shriekback !!
something i never expected arrived today, a new shriekback album.
i realise that there have been other shriekback albums since their period of pop chart threatening behaviour in the 80s, but for some reason those never sounded to be proper releases, and i have never been able to catch up.
however, the new album 'cormorant' is very much a band release. barry andrews as well as martyn barker, wendy partridge and a few others (including old xtc chum andy partridge!) have formed an album which dips into the dark moods of 'big night music' as well as hidden areas of 'oil and gold' and 'jam science', yet still manages to forge ahead with a new style all of its own. barry's vocals dominate, despite the sometimes excessive use of reverb, his vocal technique is as idiosyncratic as ever, as are the lyrics.
a full review will of course be sorted out in the usual place, in the meantime here is more detail : malicious damage records
message ends.
mark e
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
rawkus and lex records : they saved my life
the last few weeks have been all about the rock. i plumped up some hard earned for a led zepplin album deciding it was time to check out what all the fuss is/was about. for a few days i enjoyed the freefall type rock-n-roll. i even jumped onto the new updated version known as audioslave. but within a few days the rot set in. sheer and utter mutherfuggin boredom.
i go through these type of phases.
a look at the backlog did little to appease the situtation.
but slowly things are looking better. weirdly it's my pile of old rawkus albums that seems to be doing the biz. company flow, black star, the high and mighty and the wonderfully filthy smut peddlers have all been spun and enjoyed, the dirty production, the lack of sonic clarity and the mainly non-thug approach really hits the homefront. in a strange twist of fate, as my rediscovery reaches a zenith, i do some digging only to find out that the much maligned label is due for a relaunch.
lets hope they have got their sights on something worthy and not just digging for the dollar.
other things of boredom relief :
- new kingdom. their brand of sludge filled rock-n-rap just works perfectly when the weather turns grey, word reached me a while ago that they guys (with scott harding) were sorting out new stuff, but as ever the trail has gone cold for a while. i guess we wait. watch this space for more detail.
- dangerdoom - cartoons and rap muisc. where is the pain. this collab between danger mouse and mf doom is gonna pay off all mortgage payments for one of hip hops most interesting characters. oh, and i reckon the album is great.
- non-prophets - sage francis and joe beats released this album a while ago on lex, and today it sounds far better than i ever remembered.
yes, ladeeez and gentlemen, the rock is out and the underground leftfield beat is back in, and i feel fine.
next week, i will post a prince po mashup track that was only available on a hip hop connection freebie if anyone is interested.
so until then, ta ra
mark e
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
its not rocket science
short and sweet.
new interview : dave 'ascoltare' henson posted : here. full of good stuff, as well as a definition into the genre that is known as 'plunderphonics', thats gotta be worth a few bytes of anyones time surely.
new reviews : we are scientists and loius xiv both have debut albums out.
mark e
Monday, October 10, 2005
we have no idea
instead of the usual ramblings regarding some freakoids with guitars or samplers waste your time here :
the game has been designed by tom vek and is bloody infuriating.
ok, to give a little extra, hopefully in the near future, ireallylovemusic will have some exclusive interviews with electro noise makers ascoltare, possibly even those naughty glammers loius xiv. oh, and can anyone tell me why all of a sudden i am enjoying old stuff by the warlocks after having them in the pile for ages and never really feeling their style.
game over.
mark e
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
overdosed on beats + noise
the backlog has been eyeing me up for a few weeks now. so today i jumped on the fragger and let rip. so its with great joy i tell you that i have posted words on the following :
- one self. paranoid 12" ep, with some remixes and an exclusive non-lp track.ninjatune of course.
- andrew coleman - demons. glitchy ambient on this weeks fave label, tripel.
- modular presents - leave them all behind. the return of baggy? well not quite, but indie rock meets dance beats. includes full tracklisting.
- baikonour - for the lonely hearts of the cosmos - excellent instrumental grooves that only melodic could release.
oh, and too may forthcoming singles than i care to mention.
mark e
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
the comments count is f*cked ..
.. so anyone interested will have no idea that i dropped this detail into the previous post :
499 to go. let the countdown begin.
mark e
lets have some fun
i aint reviewing anything today. i am on strike.
but instead i'll bring your attention to a couple of things on the sidelines to the world of normal musics.
firstly. ascoltare. i have over the last few years received a few weird bit-n-pieces. but nothing like the latest experimental offering from david gwei-lo aka ascoltare. a heavy weight picture disc 12", with one side by ascoltare, and the other by um (??). having heard quite a bit of the messy electronic playfulness of ascoltare i thought i had aclimatised myself to his worldly ways. ha. this 12" is by far the most interesting artifact (cant really call it a record, or music really) to be squeezed through a letter box of ireallylovemusic hq. the music is a combination of piano, organs, glitch, broken oscilators etc, over which are uk-side tv chefs spouting supreme nonsense over their culinary creations. yes it's the art-istic version of the parker tapes! absolutely wonderful stuff. and just watch those fish spin. flip the record and things are just as weird. so give me a few days to get used to it properly. 500 copies. get fishing now.
then for the light relief mongers can i point you in this direction :
where modular djs join in with the glimmers/optimo/trash action where indie rock and electro fuNckups sit side by side in perfect disharmony. 2 cds, one mixed for party action, the other is untouched so those of us with silver disc polayers get access to all manner of previously vinyl only treats. mixes like this make me seriously miss the days of club going, though i suspect in my vicinity the djs aint spinning this kind of groove. more fool them.
oh, that site i referenced has apparently all sorts of lovely competitions and suchlike, as well as some rather fine design.
i suppose i will get around to reviewing the mix at some point, but hopefully by then you'll all have won yourselves a copy.
mark e
Monday, October 03, 2005
updates for all on a cold and dark night
today was the first day i had to put to put the heating on. great.
anyway, here are some new bits-n-bobs to warm the cockles of your heart.
first and foremost, new friends of james blunt, and soon hopefully the rest of the world, ;the boy least likely to' reissue their debut album to coincide with their tour with the blunt bloke. so, i tracked them down for a few quick easy q's. lucky us.
then in the reviews, its obvious that the students are back in the shops, as record labels are throwing out a lot of distractions.
so to start the ball rolling we have :
+ the amorphous androgynous - alice in ultraland. the return of the epic ambient noise sculptors, future sound of london.
+ t.raumschmiere - blitzgrieg pop, aka extreme pop
+ stevelawler - lights out 3. dance music for the darker sides of life.
+ marconi union - distance. more deep post rock styled ambience from the lovely all saints label.
+ institute - distort yourself. oh joy of joys. grunge is back, thus the return of gavin rossdale should be a warning to us all.
+ skalpel - konfusion. more jazz styled beats from this polish duo.
+ the beta band - music (aka te best of). hold back the tears, the end has been and gone, but recall those glorious times.
+ vacabou - trip hop on the ambient all saint label? oh yes. is it good ? oh yes.
+ the black velvets - hairy old rock and roll. get on down.
sod it. that's enough surely.
message ends.
mark e